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Three Things You Need To Know About Using Painting To Get Into Your Flow State

People sometimes wonder what makes my workshops and Painting that Connects™ Program so effective.

Part of why they are so effective is in how I design my workshops, live events and coaching calls to incorporate my Flow State Method™.

This portion of this method covered in my Paint Your Way to Flow Guide addresses foundational principles, 3 specific pillars, and applies them in discrete ways specific to each person that help people more easily, consistently, and effectively get into their flow state while painting.  

It is because participants got into flow, that they have more connection to themselves, which enables them to enjoy themselves more, have more satisfaction afterwards with the time they spent getting into flow.

This connection results in producing higher quality work in less time (higher productivity) and increased creativity.

Getting into flow using painting starts to give them the ability to have more capacity to connect with other people and/or God.

So when you think of wanting more connection, more satisfaction or better work, think of getting into flow.

So what is the feedback from getting into Flow using the Flow State Method™?

I loved this experience – very freeing, stress free, fun and relaxed. –Hannah

I truly enjoyed the experience. – Robin

I found painting to be relaxing and it did help me focus my mind. – Anonymous

It was flowing and very comfortable. -Julia

I really enjoyed this! It was a bit of a challenge but so much fun keeping an open mind. – Julia

It was a helpful focus, brought thoughts and feelings forward, painting was the conduit. – Roy

It was amazing how clear the images appeared – as to what I was to paint. No struggle at all. It flowed with ease. -Tonya

So you may be wondering how. Before we address the how, there are three things you need to know about using painting to get into your flow state:

1. You don’t have to consider yourself as an artist or creative for painting to help you get to a flow state.
2. It doesn’t take ideal circumstances to get into a flow state. 
3. It’s not about doing all the things hoping it will work out, it’s about incorporating the right elements applied specifically to you that helps you get to flow state consistently.

So how? My FREE Paint Your Way to Flow Guide talks about what “Flow” is, provides some of the principles and background information on the three pillars of the Flow State Method™ as well as a painting exercise that you can do to start getting into flow easier, effectively and more consistently using painting.  

Interested in picking up a copy of Paint Your Way to Flow? You can download it HERE.

Peace & Creativity,

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